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Fabricated Gratings
Stainless steel made high strength Fabricated Gratings are used as reliable walkways in construction sites. These are simple to install, rust proof and have the ability to endure heavy load.
Casting Product
This array of Casting Products is appreciated for its long lasting quality, precise dimension and high strength. Due to their low production cost, these products are cost effective. High flexibility is one of their main aspects.
Construction Material Accessories
Provided Construction Material Accessories are appreciated for their long lasting quality and optimum strength. With having maximum 2kg weight, these products have long working life. Customers can avail these at reasonable price range.
Hardware Material
Provided Hardware Materials are known for their sturdy construction, robust appearance and standard thickness. These can be installed with galvanized steel made coverings to avoid high temperature. These are breakage proof.
Surface Box
Cast iron or steel made Surface Boxes are available with powder coated surface. Gray in appearance, these have 50gram to 60 gram weight range. Offered in different design choices, these have excellent strength.
Fabricated Access Covers
This array of Fabricated Covers is made of durable quality steel. Polished surface of these coverings can endure heavy load and harsh weather. Simple to install, these products are cost effective.
Garden Household Product
This range of steel fabricated Garden Buckets can be availed with polished surface finish. Offered in different specifications, these buckets are rust proof, wear protected, long lasting surface finish and high strength.
Ductile Casting
This array of Ductile Casting items is accessible in square, rectangular and round shape based choices. Powder coated surface of these casting items can resist harsh weather, wear and corrosion.
Manhole Catch Basin Risers
Manhole Catch Basin Risers offered by us are known for their precise dimension, high strength and long lasting quality. These are 20 gram to 90 gram in weight. Reasonable price and corrosion proof surface are their main aspects.
Forgings Products
This range of MS Forging accessories is used as automobile components. Silver in color, these forged items can be availed with sand blasting treated or powder coated surface finish based options.
Manhole Steps

Manhole Steps have good pullout strength. They allow for an advanced friction lock and simplify the things. Provided steps have been exclusively designed for direct installation and less maintenance. Made from steel, these polished steps are demanded in several sectors.

Agricultural Equipment
Agricultural Equipment can assist you in selecting the best wheel for your application, with customization possibilities based on your requirements. This is very effective as well as economical and safe to use. It is checked under various parameters to ensure its high quality and effectiveness. 

Garden Bench
Garden Bench is are typically long-lasting and low-maintenance. The material properties of metal ensure that they will resist the rigors of public use. Hand tools, tape measures, screws, and other materials can be stored in the drawers of this bench. This is very easy to install as well as simple to use. 
Metal Finial
Metal Finial is used in architecture to draw attention to the top of a spire, tower, dome, roof, or another conspicuous element of a building. This finial comes in a variety of designs and finishes to match the decor of your home. It is a decorative feature and economical too.